
Merging of the Japanese Schools in Hong Kong in April 2026 - Read more


Merging of the Japanese Schools in Hong Kong in April 2026 - Read more


Parents Zone

ESSPA (English Section Staff and Parent Association)

As well as volunteer parents, the school has a very active Parent/Staff Association. ESSPA is involved in organising social and promotional events for the school community. They are also the school's main fundraising body. Projects to improve the school environment or to purchase specific school equipment are the responsibility of ESSPA. The association links both teaching staff and the school community together. There is a wide range of events planned during the school year, and parents are invited to get involved as much as they can.

ESSPA has a formal committee structure with elected representatives. These representatives are elected prior to the beginning of the school year and meet regularly to manage the activities of the association. ESSPA also has links to the Japanese Section P.T.A. so that joint or whole-school events can be coordinated.

School Calendar

Adverse Weather Arrangements

Rainstorm Warnings and Typhoon Signals

At times, due to extreme weather, it may be necessary to close the school for the day or part of the day. It is important that all members of the school community listen to weather broadcasts and monitor the school website. At no time should parents or students take actions regarding journeys to school that may endanger their safety. Should the school be advised to close during the school day, all students will be looked after at school until it is safe to release them to a parent or guardian. If warnings or guidance are issued before the start of the school day, parents and guardians are advised to follow instructions carefully.

If parents suspect the school (before opening hours) might be closed due to typhoons, flooding, or landslips, they should watch/listen to local media before sending students to school. The Education Department has a pre-prepared recording (2891-0088) if schools are closed. Urgent notices will also be placed on the front page of the school website to provide advice or support to families. Please read the following information carefully.

The school will also take note of hot weather warnings, average UVA readings, and the A.P.I. (Air Pollution Index). Around the school, we have A.P.I. charts that visually advise on the current levels that may affect activities. During times of potentially worsening air pollution, JIS staff will monitor the HK Govt. AQHI (Air Quality Health Index) and adjust activities accordingly. There are visual charts around the school building to give students an awareness of the A.P.I. before they head to recess or break times.

The wearing of school hats will be actively enforced, especially for students playing on the outdoor astro-turf area. On very hot days, students will be encouraged to play within the shaded areas.

If the A.P.I. (Air Pollution Index) reaches dangerous levels, children will not play outside but will remain in their classrooms for recess and lunch breaks. JIS will liaise with Sports International Services (SIS) regarding the provision of after-school activities, which may have to be moved indoors or cancelled in extreme cases of unhealthy air conditions.

School Uniform

School Uniform:

Students are expected to wear the school uniform at all times. There is no distinction between summer and winter uniforms—students should dress for their personal comfort, choosing long or short-sleeved shirts and sweatshirts to suit the weather.

Students are asked to wear a JIS sun hat when outdoors. When the weather is cool, students may wear the JIS pullover sweater, a hoodie, or the blue zip-front jersey in the classroom. As the school has a wide range of clothing to suit different styles and tastes, we ask that all students are dressed in appropriate school uniform at all times.

School UniformDescription
TopsShort or long sleeve polo shirt (white or blue) with JIS logo, school sweatshirt, sleeveless sweater, hoodie, blue zipped jacket
Skirt or TrousersGrey/navy plaid skirt, grey shorts, or grey trousers
Socks or LeggingsWhite preferred or grey/black
ShoesBlack shoes with non-marking rubber soles or sports shoes with the main colour being black

Physical Education (P.E.) Uniform:

All students may wear P.E. uniforms only on the days that they have P.E. This is usually 2 days per week and often on school trip days. The P.E. uniform is comfortable and cool to allow for sporting activities in all weather. We suggest that students layer up with a sweatshirt or tracksuit top for cooler weather. It is important that students can remove layers as, during the school day, they may get very warm—often very different from when they left for school early in the morning.

PE UniformDescription
TopsWhite or blue P.E. T-shirt with JIS logo, with options of hoodie, woollen vest and/or tracksuit top
Shorts/tracksuitsNavy blue P.E. shorts or tracksuit trousers
Socks or LeggingsBlack or white
ShoesWhite (predominantly) sports shoes with non-marking rubber soles. No flashing light or fashion shoes

Swim Kit:

One P.E. lesson (1 hour) each week is spent in the pool for our swimming programme. The aim of the swimming programme is to achieve water safety confidence, swimming techniques, and also have fun with water sports and activities.

Students should bring their swimming kit (swimsuit, cap, goggles, and towel) to school and change prior to swimming class.

Swimming caps and towels are required for all students.

Goggles are preferred but are optional.

Competitive swimsuits are required: girls wear a one-piece swimsuit; boys wear sport shorts or swim trunks. Two-piece bathing suits, wet suits, and UV sun shirts are not allowed in the pool.

Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled including towels.