
Merging of the Japanese Schools in Hong Kong in April 2026 - Read more


Merging of the Japanese Schools in Hong Kong in April 2026 - Read more


Science & Technology

Science & Technology at JIS

Science and technology are integral components of the curriculum at JIS. Through the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), all students engage in a unit of inquiry related to How the World Works every year. These units are mandatory for all year groups, ensuring a broad and balanced exploration of science and technology throughout their time at JIS.

The science curriculum focuses on four main strands:

  • Living Things
  • Earth and Space
  • Materials and Matter
  • Forces and Energy

Key statements from the PYP Science Scope and Sequence documentation guide our approach:

“It is recognised that teaching and learning science as a subject, while necessary is not sufficient. Of equal importance is the need to learn science in context, exploring content relevant to students, and transcending boundaries of the traditional subject area.”

“The science component of the PYP should be characterized by concepts and skills rather than by content. However, schools should ensure that a breadth and balance of science content is covered through the units of inquiry.”

Students are supported with various resources to foster inquiry and skill development. Planning documents interweave scientific skills to ensure understanding is built through hands-on exploration and the practical application of knowledge.

Technology is seamlessly integrated into science. Students also use ICT tools, including digital devices and practical kits, to explore scientific and technological concepts.

Our purpose-built ICT lab, wireless connectivity, and access to laptops and tablets allow students to conduct research and learning activities whenever needed. Programming and coding are introduced through programmable toys, tools, and robotics, fostering problem-solving and computational thinking skills. Design principles are integrated into projects, encouraging students to innovate, create, and apply their technological knowledge in meaningful ways. These hands-on experiences ensure that students not only engage with technology but also develop critical skills for the future.

Digital Literacy & Citizenship

At JIS, we recognise the importance of developing strong digital literacy and citizenship skills to prepare students for an increasingly technological world. Our community co-created the ICT Scope and Sequence, outlining essential skills taught progressively across all year groups, including typing and keyboarding through Typing Club, using presentation tools, collaborative platforms, drawing programmes, and conducting effective internet searches. Critical topics such as copyright, plagiarism, and responsible resource use are integrated into our Units of Inquiry, allowing students to apply their learning in meaningful contexts.

Equally, we value digital citizenship as a cornerstone of responsible and safe technology use. Guided by the Common Sense Education framework, we address six key strands:

  • Media Balance & Well-Being
  • Privacy & Security
  • Digital Footprint & Identity
  • Relationships & Communication
  • News & Media Literacy
  • Cyberbullying, Digital Drama, and Hate Speech

These topics are explored throughout the year in our PSPE programme or through explicit lessons. Supported by our ICT Essential Agreements, we empower students to become confident, respectful, and responsible digital citizens, capable of navigating the digital world thoughtfully and ethically.