
Merging of the Japanese Schools in Hong Kong in April 2026 - Read more


Merging of the Japanese Schools in Hong Kong in April 2026 - Read more



Language at JIS

At JIS, language is central to all learning. While English is our primary medium of instruction, we reflect our IB philosophy by emphasising the importance of multilingualism. Students can learn Mandarin or Japanese, and we celebrate the diverse languages spoken within our community.

Language is best understood within context. To this end, we provide a wide range of purposeful activities for speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing, and presenting (media literacy). Our approach aligns with the PYP framework, where language learning is designed to be authentic and inquiry-based.

At JIS we believe that development in language is best achieved by; learning language, learning through language and learning about language.

Our teaching is supported by a Scope and Sequence document, providing a developmental framework of conceptual understandings and learning objectives in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing.

Where possible, language learning is integrated into the Programme of Inquiry but is also taught as a ‘stand-alone’ subject. Purposeful inquiry underpins all our language teaching. Students analyse authentic literature, read for meaning, and develop independence in the writing process.

We use Reading Recovery guidelines and a range of differentiated texts to support reading. Groupings are flexible to address varying reading needs. For phonics and pre-reading skills, we use Get Reading Right as a resource, applying a multi-sensory approach tailored to individual needs. In Reception and P1, students complete an intensive phonemic awareness course to build strong foundations.

Letter formation skills are introduced in Reception and further developed in subsequent years. Students are encouraged to develop a legible, cursive style of handwriting in English, while character writing is taught in Mandarin and Japanese lessons from P1 and P2.

Spelling is taught through individualised and group programmes, supported by word study inquiry and resources such as Words Their Way. The ultimate goal is to apply spelling to everyday writing while understanding how language works.

Writing activities incorporate a range of approaches and up-to-date resources, structuring inquiries into the purposes of writing and associated skills, comprehension, and grammar.