The teaching staff at JIS are recruited from all over the world and reflect our desire to be a truly international school.
All teaching staff are fully qualified professionals, having gained their graduate status and teaching qualifications at universites all over the world. Recruitment for staff at JIS is done through international and local (Hong Kong) advertising, using local press, on-line agencies and the International Baccalureate (IB) website. Our staff - student ratio is excellent, and our class sizes are small to allow for maximum learning opportunities. In Reception, Primary 1 and 2 our classes have both a teacher and a full time classroom assistant to enable our children to feel supported as they settle into school and to allow for flexible groupings and differentiation to take place. In P3, P4, P5 and P6 classes have a part time assistant (3 or 4 days per week) to support student learning. Our Japanese and Mandarin language teachers are supported by full time teaching assistants to enable all levels of language to be supported and developed.
Administrative Staff

Mr. Joshua Blue
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Ms. Sachiyo Miyajima

Mrs. Kim Murch
Office (Fees/admin support)