
Uniform Shop - opening hours currently on Friday each week - but changing to Wednesday in Febrauary 2020. - JIS main school building G/F

In August 2018 the international section of JIS launched a new, updated school uniform in conjunction with 'Uniform Station Ltd'. Formal and PE uniforms are available from the JIS Uniform Shop on the ground floor, adjacent to the general office. The shop will open on Wednesday between 8a.m. and 3:00pm - from February 2020. Orders can be made at other times by completing a form and sending it in to the school office. Orders will be processed on Fridays for delivery to your child's class. 

Download the school uniform order form here: 

There will be a transition period of change over from the old school unifrm to the new one in term 1,  (Aug - Dec) 2018. Students are very welcome to wear their existing school uniform until it is worn out or until it no longer fits!

There will also be an option to purchase the school uniform 'on-line'  - full details are now available on :  https://www.jis.ufsonline.com.hk/ 

School Uniform

Students are expected to wear the school uniform at all times:

There is no distinction between summer and winter uniforms - students should dress for their personal comfort, choosing long or short sleeved shirts and sweatshirts to suit the weather.

Students are asked to wear a JIS sun hat when outdoors. When the weather is cool, students may wear the green pullover sweater, a hoodie or the blue zip-front jersey in the classroom. As the school has a wide range of clothing to suit different styles and tastes we ask that all students are dressed in apropriate school uniform at all times.






 Short or long sleeve polo shirt (white or blue) with JIS logo

 School sweatshirt, sleeveless sweater, hoodie, blue zipped      jacket

 skirt / trousers

 Grey/navy plaid skirt or  grey  trousers

 grey shorts or

 grey trousers

 Socks or  Leggings

 White preferred or grey/black


 Black shoes with non-marking rubber soles or sports shoes with  the main colour being black.



Physical Education (P.E.) Uniform

All students may wear PE uniforms only on the days that they have PE. This is usually 2 days per week and often on school trip days.

The P.E. uniform is comfortable and cool to allow for sporting activities in all weathers. We suggest that students can layer up with a sweatshirt or tracksuit top for cooler weather. It is important that students can remove layers as during the school day they may get very warm - which is often very different from when they left for school, early in the morning.

All P.E. uniform is available from the school shop. A  tracksuit is also available which is designed to be suitable for all weathers and sports in the winter months in Hong Kong. The new tracksuit will be available from Oct / November 2018. There will also be a more stylish hoodie for the students to chose from.

 The PE uniform consists of:

 PE Uniform

 All   Students


 White or blue PE T-shirt with JIS logo, with options of  hoodie, woollen vest and/or  tracksuit top 

 Shorts / tracksuits

 Navy blue PE shorts or tracksuit trousers


 Black or white


 White (predominantly) sports shoes with non-marking  rubber soles. No flashing light or fashion shoes.


Swim Kit

One PE lesson (1 hour) each week is spent in the pool for our swimming programme. The aim of the swimming programme is to achieve water safety confidence, swimming techniques and also have fun with water sports and fun activities.

Students should bring their swimming kit (swimsuit, cap, goggles, and towel) to school and change prior to swimming class.

  • Swimming caps and towels are required for all students.
  • Goggles are preferred but are optional.
  • Competitive swimsuits are required: girls wear a one-piece swimsuit; boys wear sport shorts or swim trunks. Two-piece bathing suits, wet suits, and UV sun shirts are not allowed in the pool.
  • Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly labelled including towels.


Japanese International School

4663 Tai Po Road, Tai Po Kau, Tai Po, Hong Kong

INFO: 2834 3531   FAX: 2652 2166

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